USGA Regulations: Too Harsh or Preserving a 600 Year Old Rule of Golf?


Recently a proposal for a ban on anchored putting was brought before The Royal & Ancient Golf Club and the U.S. Golf Association. “Both associations said the rule would not outlaw belly putter or broom-handle putters, only the way they are currently used. The proposed rule would make it illegal for golfers to anchor the club while making a stroke and not take effect until 2016,” AP Golf Writer Doug Ferguson reported in his November 28th article, Anchored Putting Stroke to be Banned in 2016. 

Kiva Dunes Golf Director, Rea Schuessler commented, ” I am against it but they are about 20 years too late enforcing it. At the end of the day, the modern golf ball goes too far and the modern driver helps enable that. In my opinion, that is where they need to start first.” Rea explains the process behind “anchored” putting. “You can’t brace the butt end of the putter against any part of your body, chest or just at or above navel is where most golfers brace it.”

“The R&A and USGA will take comments for three months on the proposed rule before it is approved. Because the Rules of Golf are updated every four years, any ban on the anchored stroke would not take effect for another four years,” reports Ferguson.

What do you think?

To read what others are saying about the proposed change or read more, click here. 

To schedule a lesson with Rea at Kiva Dunes, call the Golf Pro Shop at 251-540-7000.

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